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Why is Al Writing About Climate Change?

Quick answer – I was getting sick of politics and politicians.

Admittedly, I also came across some interesting things on a very good website I visit occasionally, Watt’s Up With That? You can read it too, at and it’s quite free.

And, full disclosure, I had first tried to lift the depression induced by reading about politics by reading about academic fraud. Didn’t work, don’t know why not.

Anyway, this is actually mostly about weather, and everyone likes talking about that.

So, a few items of interest (I think) from Watts Up.

1. A recent and most-read post on the site is very short and titled ‘Michael E. Mann’s Forecast Fiasco’. Mann is the fellow who way back in 2001 made famous – or perhaps infamous – the ‘hockey stick graph’ purporting to show the very recent and very dramatic increase in global temperatures relative to the last thousand-plus years. It created a lot of controversy at the time, still not resolved (although you wouldn’t know that reading Wikipedia’s entry on Mann).

Anyway, Mann, who is a prof at U Penn in Philadelphia, sent out a tweet last April predicting a ‘record-breaking 33 named storms for the North Atlantic hurricane season.’

Now, before I give you the punch line, let me just say that no one claiming to be a serious scientist should ever write something as stupid as that. I don’t know how anyone who understands even a little about statistics or weather or bloody anything thinks that they can predict a number that specific. And, not about something moderately predictable even, but about weather fergodsakes.

Well, reality eventually happened and there were 18 named storms this past season. 4 more than the average. Definitely not record-breaking. Definitely not 33.

I no more believe this will stop Mann from making future predictions about weather than I believe that ‘The President Whisperer’ will shut up after predicting a Harris electoral triumph in November.

2. Sticking with storms, what about all those scary tornadoes? There’s an article about this, too. Note that this is all about the US, but that country is the world leader in tornadoes, after all. A first quote from the article:

“While there have been no long-term trends in the frequency of tornadoes, there have been changes in tornado patterns in recent years. Research has shown that there are fewer days with at least one tornado but more days with over thirty, even as the total number of tornadoes per year has remained relatively stable. In other words, tornado events are becoming more clustered.

There is also evidence to suggest that tornado patterns have shifted geographically. The number of tornadoes in the states that make up Tornado Alley are falling, while tornado events have been on the rise in the states of Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky.”

That quote is from an article in National Geographic, by the way, hardly a bastion of climate-change denial. Here’s another quote:

“There is no real evidence that tornadoes are happening more often. A lot more are being recorded now than in 1950, but a closer look at the data shows the increase is only in the weakest category, EF0. There’s been no increase in stronger twisters, and maybe even a slight decrease in EF4s and EF5s.

That suggests we’re just spotting more of the weak and short-lived tornadoes than we did back when the country was emptier (the United States population in 1950 was less than half what it is now), we didn’t have Doppler radar, and Oklahoma highways weren’t jammed with storm-chasers.”

We can be sure that the next time a tornado happens here in Ontario, that is not the story we will hear from whatever academic or Environment Canada type they interview about it. And, we can also be sure that a team of investigators will have to be sent out first to verify that whatever happened was actually a tornado. That doesn’t happen in Oklahoma. EF0 here, mostly. You don’t quite need a microscope to see ’em, but….

And, here’s a graph from the WUWT article to illustrate that last point (I like graphs….):

3. Back to hurricanes

There’s a full article about these storms, also, and despite living in an all-but-hurricane-free part of the world, we hear about them in the media every season. Their paths are tracked on the news, even though said paths are thousands of miles away, and the papers are full of stories of damage, death and apocalypse. Well, here’s another graph showing the global frequency of tropical storms and hurricanes since 1970.

The obvious thing to see here is that there is no upward trend since 1970, but the other thing you might think a supposed scientist like Mann would notice is how bloody variable is the number of these storms from year-to-year. I’d expect that would dissuade anyone from thinking they can hope to accurately predict the number that will occur in a coming season. At least, anyone who’s not a tool.

4. I do recommend the website, it’s a bit geeky but highly sane.

Loose Ends and Random Bits

Since starting this blog, I find myself saving all kinds of things that I come across in my actual and virtual travels, storing them in my ‘blog material’ file, saying to myself ‘I bet I can use that in a future post’.

Herein a collection of such things which seem(ed) to me to be interesting or amusing and which have not been used in any previous posts.

* I walk about in my neighborhood a lot, and regularly walk past a yard that has this sign attached to the surrounding fence.

 * I was looking online for restaurants in a particular town and came upon this on a restaurant’s website:




* I did not keep a record of where I found this online, but…..

This just in –

Anthropologists have found what they believe to be Jimmy Buffett’s lost shaker of salt. It was declared missing in 1977, and some folks claim there’s a woman to blame.


* Here is an actual headline from a Wall Street Journal article of some while ago. I put it in my ‘can’t make this shit up’ file:

Migrants Entering U.S. Illegally Complain About Government’s Border App


* It does nothing good for one’s opinion of the human race to read the comments people write about articles in online newspapers like The Globe and Mail or The Wall Street Journal. Yet, sometimes I do….

This is from a comment on an article that Gary Mason of the Globe wrote about COP28, the UN climate change gathering that was held in Dubai 30 November to 13 December 2023:

By 2027, Thwaites (the “doomsday glacier”) will have buckled and the oceans will start rising by 2 to 9 feet. Coastal cities will drown. Millions of people will die or be displaced.


* Another piece of wisdom I picked up online, the provenance of which I did not record:

When seconds count, the government is only minutes away


* From one of my credit card bills –

At your current rates of interest, if you only make your Minimum Payment by its due date each month, it will take approximately 39 year(s) and 2 month(s) to repay the account balance shown on this statement.


* A headline from an article in Popular Mechanics (yea, that’s right….)

Humans Will Soon Go Extinct Unless We Can Find 5 More Earths

We’re basically in the days of the dinosaurs, according to Stanford scientists


* Finally, another one from my ‘can’t make this shit up’ file. This is a headline from an article in Vice:

Scientists Find Link Between Wolf Attacks and Far Right Politics

The reemergence of wolves to Germany “has been accompanied by electoral gains for far-right parties,” a new study reports

And that’s a wrap, until I accumulate another pile of these.