You Should Read This
….assuming, that is, that you have not already read enough post-mortems about the recent US election.
I came across this post in my meandering around the internet:
A Graveyard of Bad Election Narratives
(click on the title to go there, no paywall)
It’s one post on a blog called Symbolic Capital(ism), written by a sociologist named Mussa Al-Gharbi.
Disclaimer: It is very long, and full of data, much of it from exit polls and surveys, the reliability of which we all know is iffy, and I am not saying it is brilliant or fundamentally correct, as I have not (yet) taken the time to dig into it deeply. And…I usually have little use for sociologists. And, a lot of the analysis comes from a book Al-Gharbi just published, which he plugs shamelessly at the end. Hey, we all gotta make a living.
But, man, it is comprehensive, and well-written, and definitely not the usual bullshit. It has given me enough things to think hard about to last a long time. And I might have to buy his damned book.